The Week Ahead 5/2-5/6

When students return to school on Monday, 5/2 they will have reading logs due. If your student does not have internet access they can complete the reading log on a piece of paper. There will be no vocabulary quiz on Monday.

Students are currently working on an opinion paper in which they make the case for their favorite read aloud book of the year. The final drafts of the paper are due on Monday, 5/2. Students will have about 45 minutes in class to work on the paper on Monday. If students don't think they can finish their paper in that amount of time, they should work on it over the weekend. Check in with your student and ask if they need to work on the paper over the weekend.

We will continue our study of geometry next week. Last week we focused on identifying and classifying types of lines and angles. Next week we will begin measuring angles. Students will need a protractor on these lessons. We did an inventory this week and there were around 5 students who don't have a protractor. Please check in with your student and make sure they have a protractor with them on Monday.

State Testing
We will take our first math state test next week. Students will be taking the Math Computer Adaptive Test (CAT). We will be testing on Wednesday, 5/4 and Thursday, 5/5. The best way you can help your student prepare for their test is to make sure they get plenty of sleep the night before and have a good breakfast the morning of. Let me know if you have any questions about state testing.

Continent Club
The information on the next Continent Club Check Day went home last week. The area of study will be the Middle East and the check day will be May 18th. The study materials can be found online at the link below.

Superhero Day
Friday, May 6th is the next Spirit Day. Dress as your favorite superhero!

Idiom of the week:  Bite the dust

Upcoming Dates
  •  Monday, May 2nd - Reading Logs Due
  • Wednesday, May 4th - State Testing - Math - Computer Adaptive Test
  • Thursday, May 5th - State Testing - Math - Computer Adaptive Test
  • Friday, May 6th - Spirit Day - Superhero Day - Buddies
  • Friday, May 6th - Carnival Ticket Orders Due
  • Thursday, May 12th - Family Math Night
  • Monday, May 16th - Art Lit
  • Tuesday, May 17th - State Testing - Math - Performance Task 
  • Wednesday, May 18th - Continent Club Check Day - Middle East
  • Monday, May 23rd - Field Trip to State Capitol Building 

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