The Week Ahead 5/16-5/20

When students return to school on Monday, 5/16 they will have reading logs due. There won't be a vocabulary test that day, but students will get new words for a vocabulary test on Tuesday, 5/24. The test will be on Tuesday that week because our field trip is on Monday, 5/23.

Next week we will wrap up our geometry unit. Students will be taking the end of module test on Wednesday. You can help your student prepare for their test by going over the practice test the night before. Later in the week we will begin our final math unit of the year. This unit will focus on exploring measurement and multiplication.

Our current inquiry unit on responding to change is in full swing. Each student should now have a change that they are studying. Once they conclude their research, they will use their opinion writing skills to propose an action to handle the change.

State Testing
Students will be taking their final state test of the year on Tuesday, 5/17. This test is the Math Performance Task (PT), and it will involve a series of questions that all have to do with a specific scenario. The best way you can help your student prepare for their state test is to make sure they get a good night's rest and eat a good breakfast that morning.

Continent Club
The information on the next Continent Club Check Day has been sent home. The area of study will be the Middle East and the check day will be May 18th. The study materials can be found online at the link below.

Field Trip 
Thank you to everyone who volunteered to chaperone on our upcoming field trip. Unfortunately, we are only able to bring six of you with us. There are still a few students who have not yet returned their paperwork. You should have received an email from me on Thursday if your student is one of them.
Idiom of the week: state of the art

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, May 16th - Art Lit
  • Monday, May 16th - Field Trip Paperwork Due - Reading Log Due
  • Tuesday, May 17th - State Testing - Math - Performance Task 
  • Wednesday, Math 18th - Geometry Test
  • Wednesday, May 18th - Continent Club Check Day - Middle East
  • Friday, May 20th - School Carnival
  • Monday, May 23rd - Field Trip to State Capitol Building 
  • Friday, May 27th - No School - Grading Day
  • Monday, May 30th - No School - Memorial Day

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