The Week Ahead 5/30-6/3

There is no school on Monday, 5/30 because of Memorial Day. When students return to school on Tuesday, 5/31 they will have a reading log due. 
Most students have completed their opinion paper in which they convince others of an appropriate response to a change in the world. When students finish their paper, the next step is to come up with an action plan. A few examples of action plans in progress are making posters to convince students the importance of not wasting food, giving a presentation to educate other classes in the school about the importance of preparing for an earthquake, one student has written letters to our state legislators and has already received feedback from one of them! The action plans are open-ended and can be anything the student comes up with. Check in with your student and ask them about their action plan.  
Last week students formed committees. These committees are currently working on writing a bill that they will attempt to make a classroom law by getting it passed in the House and the Senate. I am hoping to have the bills completed early this week and then have the students present and vote on the bills Wednesday or Thursday. Ask your student what bill their committee is attempting to pass.

Next week we will continue our study of measurement and multiplication. To be successful in the unit students will need to be proficient at converting between units. An example of a problem they would work on is, Damaso, Grace, and Barrett all walk to school each day. Damaso walks 3 kilometers, Grace walks 3,128 meters, and Barrett walks 2 kilometers 218 meters. What is the combined distance the three walk to school? Give your answer in meters.
Hawaiian Day
Friday, 6/3 is a Spirit Day. The theme is Hawaiian Day.  

Idiom of the week: give an inch and they'll take a mile

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, May 30th - No School - Memorial Day
  • Tuesday, May 31st - Reading Logs Due
  • Friday, June 3rd - Hawaiian Day
  • Monday, June 6th - Field Day
  • Friday, June 17th - Last Day of School
  • Monday, June 20th - Report Cards Sent Home

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