The Week Ahead 5/9-5/13

When students return to school on Monday, 5/9 they will have reading logs due.

Next week in math our geometry focus will shift from measuring angles to classifying 2 dimensional figures and finding lines of symmetry. We will begin the week on Module 4, Lesson 12. 

Students turned in an opinion paper in which they selected their favorite book that we have read for read aloud so far this year. The papers have been scored and returned. Check in with your student and have them show you their paper. They can access their paper using Google Classroom. 

We are in the middle of an inquiry unit with the central idea of, we respond to change in many ways. Each student is looking at a way the planet is changing. Their task is to become an expert on that topic and then create some plan of action to handle the change. At this point students are still in the researching stage. Check in with your student and see what their big topic is and if they have any ideas on what their plan of action might be.  

State Testing
Last week we completed the math computer adaptive test (CAT). We will not take any state tests during the week of 5/9-5/13. Our final state test of the year will take place on Tuesday, 5/17. It will be the math performance task (PT).

Continent Club
The information on the next Continent Club Check Day went home last week. The area of study will be the Middle East and the check day will be May 18th. The study materials can be found online at the link below.

Field Trip 
Students will be coming home with paperwork for our upcoming field trip to tour the State Capitol Building. We went over all of the paperwork today in class, but let me know if you have any questions after looking it over with your student. The paperwork needs to be signed and returned by Monday, May 16th.

Idiom of the week: roll with the punches

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, May 9th - Reading Logs Due
  • Thursday, May 12th - Family Math Night
  • Monday, May 16th - Art Lit
  • Monday, May 16th - Field Trip Paperwork Due 
  • Tuesday, May 17th - State Testing - Math - Performance Task 
  • Wednesday, May 18th - Continent Club Check Day - Middle East
  • Friday, May 20th - School Carnival
  • Monday, May 23rd - Field Trip to State Capitol Building 
  • Friday, May 27th - No School - Grading Day
  • Monday, May 30th - No School - Memorial Day

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