The Week Ahead 5/23-5/26

Students have reading logs due on Monday, 5/23. Because our field trip is on Monday, we will take our vocabulary test on Tuesday, 5/24. There is no school on Friday, 5/27 because it is a Grading Day.

Field Trip
The big field trip to visit the Capitol Building is finally here! Each student has turned in their paperwork, so we are ready to go! Please make sure your student gets to school on time on Monday, our bus leaves at 9:15, and we have many things to do before we leave. Students will need to bring a lunch and snack, unless they indicated on their permission slip that they want to order a school lunch. It would be best for students to bring their lunch in a disposable sack instead of a lunchbox. In addition, we will be on our feet for most for he day, so comfortable shoes will be a must. We expect to return to school at 2:30. The only thing students will bring with them is their lunch.

Last Thursday students were sent home with their geometry test. Please go over the test with your child and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. We started our final math unit of the year. This unit will cover measurement and multiplication.

Our class has now been divided into Representatives and Senators. The Representatives elected a Speaker of the House and the Senators elected a President of the Senate. Next week students will form committees to craft bills. Then they will present their bill to their classmates (the Senate and House of Representatives). If a bill passes both the Senate and the House, it will be given to the Governor (Mr. Blanc). If Governor Blanc doesn't veto the bill, it will become a classroom law for the remainder of the year.

Students are at various stages in their inquiry project. They are all studying different topics with the central idea of, people respond to change in many ways. For this project students are responsible for writing an opinion paper in which they convince a reader of a specific solution to a change happening in the world. After they have written their paper, they will begin working on a plan of action. The plan of action is open-ended and can be anything that a student comes up with. Check in with your student and see how their progress is coming along.

Idiom of the week: the ball is in your court

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, May 23rd - Field Trip to State Capitol Building - Reading Log Due
  • Tuesday, May 24th - Government Vocab Test
  • Friday, May 27th - No School - Grading Day
  • Monday, May 30th - No School - Memorial Day
  • Monday, June 6th - Field Day
  • Friday, June 17th - Last Day of School

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