The Week Ahead 11/14-11/18

There were no new vocabulary words sent home on Tuesday, 11/8. Students will get their next set of new words on Tuesday, 11/15. Also, students will be sent home with an optional Long Weekend Reading Log. The student who records the most minutes read over the long weekend, will get on the classroom Wall of Fame. 

Students were sent home with their scored Mid Module 3 Assessment on Wednesday, 11/9. We went over the answers in class, but check with your student and see if there is anything they need an extra explanation on. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns after looking at your child's test. So far in Module 3 we have focused on multiplication, as we move to the second half of the module we will begin our study of division.

We finished up our narrative final drafts on Wednesday, 11/9. If your student hasn't completed their narrative final draft you will receive an email from me. Students who didn't complete their final draft are expected to finish it over the long weekend. Next week we will begin studying informational writing. This will be very useful, as students will be writing an informational paper about their migration topic as we progress through the unit.  

Last week we worked on writing summaries of our nonfiction texts. Students practiced finding the main idea and supporting details. They also learned sentence starters to help them connect their main idea and supporting details. All of our nonfiction practice will be very helpful as we begin research on migration.

Idiom of the week: hit the road

Thank you to the parent volunteers who helped with the migration provocation on Monday. The simulation led to a great discussion in the classroom and I believe has created interest in the topic among the students. Next week we will look at some of the reasons people have migrated and then students will begin researching examples of migration from history and by the end of the week, select one to study in depth.

Upcoming Dates
  • Wednesday, November 9th - Mid Module 3 Test Coming Home
  • Thursday, November 10th - No School
  • Friday, November 11th - No School 
  • Tuesday, November 15th - New Vocab Words Sent Home
  • Friday, November 18th - Family Movie Night 6:30
  • November 23rd-November 25th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
  • November 28th - No School - Grading Day 

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