The Week Ahead 11/21-11/22

We have two days of school next week because of Thanksgiving Break. Students will take a vocab test on Tuesday, 11/22, but will not be given new words that day. Their next set of new words will be assigned on Tuesday, 11/29.

Our writing focus has now shifted from narrative to informational. We're working on writing paragraphs that include a main idea, supporting details about the main idea, explanations of the details, and a concluding sentence. We are practicing these paragraphs by writing about a topic we know very well, ourselves.

Idiom of the Week: cost an arm and a leg
Next week we will continue our study of division. Similar to multiplication, they are learning different strategies to solve division problems. We will continue with module 3, lesson 20 on Monday. 

We have done brief overviews of many historical migrations during our inquiry time. We plan to finish the historical overviews next week. Once they are complete, the students will select one of the migrations to research for their project. Check in with your student and ask them to tell you about the migrations they have learned about so far. Find out if there is one that they are most interested in. 

Upcoming Dates
  •  Monday, November 21st - Buddies
  • Tuesday, November 22nd - Vocab Test
  • November 23rd-November 25th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
  • Monday, November 28th - No School - Grading Day 
  • Monday, December 5th - 1st Trimester Report Cards Sent Home 

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