The Week Ahead 11/29-12/2

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving Break! Remember, there won't be any school for students on Monday, 11/28.

Students were sent home with a Long Weekend Reading Log before Thanksgiving Break. Any student who records at least four hours of reading over the break will get on the classroom Wall of Fame. In addition, the student who records the most hours read will get on the Wall of Fame twice.

Idiom of the Week: Leave the door open

We are continuing our "about me" informational writing. Students are working on writing complete paragraphs that include a main idea, key details, elaboration of key details, and concluding sentences. After Thanksgiving break, we'll work on an introduction paragraph, concluding paragraph, and transitions to connect our paragraphs.

When we get back to school on Tuesday, 11/29, we will be on module 3, lesson 22. This will bring us to the study of divisibility, composite, and prime numbers. This will lay the groundwork for our fractions unit that will begin later in the year.

Students will come home with a Migration Planner on Tuesday, 11/22. We went over the paper in class on Tuesday. There are two sections at the bottom they will still need to fill out at home. Students and a parent should both sign the paper and bring it back to school on Tuesday, 11/29.

Continent Club
The next Continent Club Check day will be on Wednesday, November 30th. The continent of study will be Europe. To download the study materials go to

Upcoming Dates
  • November 23rd-November 25th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
  • Monday, November 28th - No School - Grading Day 
  • Tuesday, November 29th - New Vocab Words Sent Home
  • Wednesday, November 30th - Continent Club Check - Europe
  • Thursday, December 1st - Picture Retakes
  • Monday, December 5th - 1st Trimester Report Cards Sent Home 

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