The Week Ahead 11/7-11/9

Next week will be a short one as there will be no school for students on either Thursday, 11/10 or Friday 11/11. Students will be sent home with a "Long Weekend Reading Log". The student who records the most minutes read over the weekend will get on the Wall of Fame, which, as I'm sure you've heard, is a pretty big deal in our class.

Students will take the Mid Module 3 assessment on Wednesday, 11/9. You can help your student prepare for the test by going over the practice test with them on Tuesday evening. Also, check in with them and ask them which of the different multiplication strategies we have learned is their favorite.

We are continuing our study of nonfiction reading. So far we've studied the different text structures of nonfiction texts and learned that if we can identify the type of text structure, it can help us figure out the most important information from the text. The common text structures we've learned about are cause and effect, compare and contrast, problem/solution, and chronological. Find out how well your student understands these text structures by asking them to tell you about them.

Idiom of the week throw under the bus

Students are currently in the process of revising and editing a narrative piece. They will be typing the final drafts on their Chromebooks. The final drafts are due on Wednesday, 11/9. There will be three more 45 minute sessions in class in which students can finish their paper. If your student doesn't think they can finish their paper in those sessions they should carve out some time to work on it outside of school. Check in with your student and ask how their progress is going.

Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, November 8th - Vocabulary Test
Wednesday, November 9th - Mid Module 3 Math Assessment - Narrative Final Draft Due
Thursday, November 10th - No School
Friday, November 11th - No School 
Friday, November 18th - Family Movie Night 6:30
November 23rd-November 25th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
November 28th - No School - Grading Day 

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