The Week Ahead 1/16-1/19

When students return to school on Tuesday, 1/16, they will have reading logs due. They will receive their new reading logs to be turned in the following Tuesday as well. We are beginning a reading unit that focuses on reading nonfiction, specifically science. This ties in well with our current inquiry unit in which we're learning about energy.

Idiom of the week: cat got your tongue

This week in math we will revisit division. Previously we have worked on problems with 2 digit dividends. This week we will go up to three and four digits in the dividend. Have your student tell you what Dracula Must Suck Blood has to do with division.

So far students have studied mechanical, electrical, and light energy. Next week they will learn about thermal and sound energy. Students will take a vocabulary test when they return to school on Tuesday, 1/16, the words they will be tested on all have to do with our inquiry unit.

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, January 16th - Reading Log Due/Vocabulary Test
  • Wednesday, January 17th - Early Release - 1:35
  • Wednesday, January 31st - Continent Club Check
  • Thursday, February 1st - Art Lit
  • Friday, February 2nd - No School

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