The Week Ahead 1/29-2/1

Friday, 2/2 will be a Grading Day, so there will be no school. Teachers will be working on report cards. You can expect your report card to be sent home on Friday, 2/9. In past years there have been three report cards sent home, but this year there will be two.

As you know students are expected to read three hours outside of school each week. Please let your child choose what they want to read for their at home reading. If your student is having trouble finding books they enjoy reading, consider looking into a magazine subscription for them. I never got much enjoyment from reading as a child until my mother got me a subscription to Sports Illustrated for Kids. Then I realized that reading was something that gave me power to access the entertainment that I wanted to access. 

Idiom of the week: in hot water

We will wrap up our unit on multiplication and division next week. Students will work on a practice test on Wednesday, 1/31, and be sent home with an answer key that evening. The test will be given on Thursday, 2/1. You can help your student prepare for the test by going over their practice test with them on Wednesday evening.  

Our How We Express Ourselves inquiry unit will be shifting to our third line of inquiry, which is an inquiry in to how design is used to solve problems. On Monday, an Innovation Strategist TOSA (Teacher on Special Assignment) from the district will be joining our class to introduce a new technology called Makey Makeys. Students will use their knowledge of energy and some coding skills to solve some problems with the Makey Makeys.

Continent Club 
The next Continent Club check day is Wednesday, 1/31. The area of focus will be North and Central America. The study materials can be found at this link

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, January 30th - Reading Logs Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, January 31st - Continent Club/Early Release 1:35
  • Thursday, February 1st - Math Test/Art Lit
  • Friday, February 2nd - No School - Grading Day
  • Monday, February 19th - No School - President's Day

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