The Week Ahead 1/22-1/26

I was excited to finally get back in to the class on Friday, my family was hit hard by the flu and I'd been out of the room for a week. I'm looking forward to a having a typical week next week. I hope this post finds you all healthy!

Students continue to have the expectation to read three hours a week outside of school. The reading logs to document this are due on Tuesdays. As part of our inquiry unit we've been practicing our nonfiction reading. A big part of our focus is using the text structure to help us understand the text. Ask your student to tell you about the text structures we have studied. They are cause and effect, description, compare and contrast, problem/solution, and chronological.

Idiom of the week: a piece of cake

In math we will continue working on dividing by numbers with three and four digit dividends. At the end of the week students will be introduced to two by two digit multiplication. 

We just finished up our first line of inquiry in our How We Express Ourselves unit. Our second line is an inquiry into how design is used to solve problems. Thank you to everyone who was so generous in their contributions of the supplies we asked for. We will be putting them to use next week!

    Robotic Petting Zoo
    4th grade students at West TV have been given a excellent opportunity to partner in our districts upcoming Robotic Petting Zoo! What is a RPZ, you ask? Take a look at the link provided: Robotic Petting Zoo, and If your child is interested in participating, please let me know ASAP. The 4 day event will take place outside of school, on Early Release Wednesdays at neighboring schools. For questions, please contact Mr Blanc via email! 

    Feb 28th 2-5:30 (at Cedar Park Middle School)
    March 7th 2-7:30 (dinner provided) (at Cedar Park Middle School)
    March 14th 2-5:30 (at Cedar Park Middle School)
    March 21st 5-8 (at Aloha High School)
Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, January 23rd - Reading Logs Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, January 24th - Early Release 1:35
  • Thursday, January 25th - Family Art Night 6pm
  • Wednesday, January 31st - Continent Club Check
  • Thursday, February 1st - Art Lit
  • Friday, February 2nd - No School

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