The Week Ahead 1/8-1/12

Hopefully you had a chance to watch the videos of the provocation for our new inquiry unit that were posted on Seesaw. Our new unit is under the theme of How We Express Ourselves. The central idea is people innovate using creativity and knowledge of energy. The lines of inquiry are transfer and conversion of energy, how design is used to solve problems, and ways innovation expresses creativity. Next week we will begin building some background knowledge on energy and some of its different forms.

Next week students will learn about the difference between factors and multiples. It is essential that students have a strong grasp of these concepts, as they will be used heavily when we get to our fractions unit later in the year. By the end of the week your student should be able to explain to you what a factor and multiple are.

Students will be given their next weekly reading log on Tuesday, 1/9. It will be due the following Tuesday, 1/16. A new vocabulary list will also come home on the 9th. The quiz on the vocabulary terms will be on 1/16. 

Idiom of the week: in the same boat

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, January 9th - New Reading Logs/Vocab Sent Home
  • Wednesday, January 10th - Early Release - 1:35 
  • Friday, January 12th - Family Movie Night
  • Monday, January 15th - No School - MLK Day  

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