The Halloween party was a blast! There was a candy walk, photo booth, a science experiment, bobbing for apples, and guessing how many pieces of candy were in a jar. Enjoy the pictures!
First Week We had a great first week of school! My goals for us were to get to know each other, come to an understanding of classroom agreements and norms, and begin to collect some baseline data on where we are academically. We accomplished these goals and I think we're in for a fun year! Headphones Please have your student bring headphones to school. If you are unable to get headphones for your child, let me know and I'll make sure they are provided. Stay Connected Instagram Follow our class Instagram account at blanc.wstv. Here I'll be posting pictures of what we're up to. Seesaw Another way you can stay connected with our class is Seesaw. You can think of Seesaw as a digital portfolio. This is where your student will share their learning. How to sign up Click on this link: Choose your child from the list Create your account Once I approve you, you can see content from your child After you sign up, downloa...
Inquiry Things are getting interesting in our Sharing the Planet inquiry with the central idea of natural resources have a structure and function within a community. Last week students collaborated with peers to create a model of a wetland. They used their knowledge of how wetlands function and demonstrated effects that communities can have on the environment. Next week we will begin some preparations for our upcoming field trip on 6/12 to the Cedar Mill Wetlands. Students will learn how to do a transect study to estimate the number of species in an environment and they will learn some ways determine water quality. Field Trip If your student has not turned in their permission slip for the upcoming field trip please send that back to school ASAP. Thank you for everyone who has volunteered to join us for the trip! We will have a meeting with all of the chaperones at the Cedar Mill Wetlands on Friday, 6/8 at 3:30. This should only take about 20 minutes or so. On the day of the ...
It was great to get a chance to sit down and talk with everyone at conferences! It's nice to have the chance to acknowledge the accomplishments of each student and discuss the areas where there is room for growth. This week in math we will be starting with lesson 5 from module 2. Here is a very useful link that can assist parents who are helping their kids with the Engage NY homework. . If you click on module 2, you will then be taken to a page that has all 5 of the lessons from the module. There you can find short videos that show problems from the homework being completed. Module 2 only has 5 lessons, so we will take the end of module assessment on Tuesday. Depending on how we do on the assessment, we will either begin module 3 on Wednesday, or review some of the concepts from Module 2. Look for the scored tests to be coming home this week. The genre study of biographies is off to a good start. Al...